I may have mentioned that our Party of 11 will soon become a Party of 13 because my sister's twins will be arriving any week now. And the arrival of twins means only one thing around here - a big fancy baby shower! Well, it will mean more than that for my sister when they arrive I'm sure, but for now it means a party.
Early on, my sister and brother-in-law decided that the sex of the new babies would be a surprise, and that they would be welcomed to the world with a Thing One and Thing Two baby shower. (Never mind that they will actually be Thing Three and Thing Four!) So, we started off by buying every red and light blue party decoration we could find. As you can see, there were a few available.
Some way into this shopping frenzy, I realised that I knew nothing about Thing One and Thing Two. I mean, I knew that they were two blue-haired little creatures in a Dr Seuss book, but nothing else. So I decided to be a good party planner/Aunty, and do some research by watching Mike Myers' The Cat in the Hat.
That movie is bloody hilarious. But what I found more hilarious was that my sister had chosen to base her baby twins' shower on two little buggers that jump out of a box and absolutely wreck the house. I'm pretty sure that's the definition of tempting fate! (And I'm leaving any joke about little people coming out of a box absolutely alone!)
So with that good laugh out of the way, it was time for some serious party crafting. Now you might have seen this Nautical Baby Shower that my sister styled for her sister in law's baby shower alittle while ago? Well, it seems party decorating is her forte, because she did a great job making so many bits and pieces for her party. And before you get into me about making her do stuff for her own party - she wanted to, starting with these entryway decorations.
Now I don't know about you, but I have a morbid fear of walking into the wrong house when I'm invited to a party at a place I've never been to before. I mean, so many parties are held in the backyard or it's too loud inside, so after knocking for like 15 minutes, you have to just walk in and hope for the best! So I'm hereby introducing a mandatory door decoration rule on P11. And they have to be as fab as these!
Another P11 rule I had reinforced to me while planning this party, is this. When a lady with two babies inside her wants every type of party food ever invented and a lolly buffet and a massive Red Velvet Cake at her shower, you just make that happen!
So we made more than 15 (yes, 10 plus 5) different party foods happen, including this cake which I absolutely love (and if you've been playing along at home, you know I never say that).
However, it seems that I broke my own rule as far as the cake is concerned. Because my sister insists that the day before the party we had a conversation and we decided/I was instructed to make a cake that looked nothing like this and I was warned against those whirly straws. That could very well be true - I'm fairly sure I was lost in a red and light blue haze by then! Thankfully she loved it, but that was too close a call - I really need to start writing this stuff down. Or listening.
So, with the shower done and dusted, all that remains is for Thing One and Thing Two to join our Party of 11. Or Party of 13. Well now, isn't that going to get confusing! I'll also be curious to see whether they really turn out to be two little creatures who jump out of a box (still saying nothing about boxes!) and wreck the joint. I'll keep you posted!
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