Welcome to Party of 11!
I'm Christina and I'll be your hostess. With the mostess...mostly!
I started this blog to record all of the cheers, tears and ideas involved in entertaining my Party of 11 and I hope you'll find it useful for your small parties as well.
My Party of 11 consists of Nannies, Grandads, Aunties, Uncles, Mummies, Daddies, Brothers, Sisters, Nieces and Nephews. So any given month we have something to celebrate. Which is lucky, because I've become utterly obsessed with finding, making and serving yummy food, hunting down fabulous gifts and putting together fun celebrations at home.
That's not to say that you can't outsource pretty party things when it's called for, and you'll see I love Shopping for a Party of 11 just as much as making stuff at home. I've loved meeting all of the very talented people I've featured on the blog so far, and it's my pleasure to spread the word about them.
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