Monday, 9 September 2013

Shopping for a Party of 11: Two for Tea with Parasols and Ponytails

After becoming an aunty to 3 nieces and a nephew over the last 5 years, I consider myself something of an expert on kids playtime. After all, it's an aunty's job to play with the kids while leaving all that other boring stuff - feeding, clothing, dirty nappies - to the parents. And it has nothing at all to do with me still being a massive child when it comes to toys and doing fun stuff - I swear!

I've done it all - I've been the teacher, the shopkeeper, the bus driver, the duck and the goose!  And I've had more cups of pretend tea than I can remember. One thing you learn quickly, even when you don't have your own kids, is that when a child pours tea and hands you a cup, you drink it - and the one after that and the one after that. Basically until they see something shiny and go away!

So, when I checked out the Dazzling Boutique Markets at Liverpool recently (more on that later), and found Parasols and Ponytails' lovely stall selling these gorgeous tea sets, I knew I had found a gem. Every kid I have ever come across has loved a tea set, and they make brilliant gifts. Something to keep, but also to play with (nicely!).
These tea sets for two in the gorgeous picnic baskets are $49 each, which is really fantastic value. I tried to buy another one recently for a lot more money, and it was a nightmare. (Don't get me started on retail shopping in Australia - I could go on all day!)
Parasols and Ponytails are at various markets across Sydney, but I'm sure if make contact on Facebook or by email, the lovely Genevieve will be able to organise something for you online.

Finally, while you're on Facebook, check out the range of lovely dresses, also by Parasols and Ponytails. These are to die for!

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